Wednesday, February 19, 2020

M&M Project Report Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

M&M Project Report - Research Paper Example The objective of this report is to write in a layman’s language, all the parts involved in the M&M project. The report will lead to an explanation of what was done in each part, as well as the result. Presentation of the data and the results will be on an excel worksheet. Part three will involves analysis through construction of confidence interval to find out the distribution of candies per bag as well as the proportion for each color, and then recording of the results in an excel worksheet. Different claims of color proportions will be tested in the fourth part. Finally, the claim there is no difference between the number of brown and red candies will be tested in part five. Introduction: M&M Project Report The purpose of this report is to explain what was done in each part of the M&M project, as well as analyzing the results. In addition, the report will lead to investigation of quality control. The five parts of the project included sampling method, the sample mean and pro portion, testing of different M&M candies’ claims, and using 95% confidence interval to do testing. In the end, the report will lead to a better understanding of the process and methods of packaging M&M candies. M&M candies were randomly obtained from different stores. A random sample was used to make sure that the sample was a true representative of the entire population. The population here means a collection of all the subjects that are to be studied – all the M&M candies for that matter. Different colors in each bag were counted and recorded in an excel work sheet. ... On the other hand, the number of candies per bag will use the data in the bag column. To obtain the proportion for any color, the number of candies for that particular color will be divided by the total number of candies. A separate excel sheet will be used to create a histogram for the number of candies per bag. The descriptive statistics for the total number of candies per bag will be computed in another sheet. The summary of all the important information will be made in another worksheet titled â€Å"Part 2 Summary." The descriptive statistics and the summary were as follows: Table 1: Descriptive statistics Num. of Candies in Bag    Mean 56.02222

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Machiavelli Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Machiavelli - Essay Example For hundreds of years, guidebooks had been written for rulers about how to govern; these usually focused on the lives and practices of laudable rulers who lived moral lives and tried to teach other rulers how to follow their example. Machiavelli chooses to break strikingly with this long standing and honored tradition, and write a different kind of guidebook for rulers. His guidebook did not tell rulers how to lead in an enlightened, moral way, but rather how to hold on to power, regardless of morality. This mentality was enshrined in his famous â€Å"the ends justify the means† attitude. Machiavelli’s choice to preclude moral discussions from his political analysis was bold, and had many benefits and drawbacks. Removing moral and ethical judgments from political analysis allowed Machiavelli to give a clearer guide to how to retain leadership, and differentiate traits that are praiseworthy in an individual from traits that are praiseworthy in a prince, but simultaneousl y perverted discussions of what the role of the ruler should be, focusing on how a ruler can help himself retain power rather than how to do the best thing for his subjects, necessarily. The first major benefit of Machiavelli’s choice to remove moral and ethical considerations from his political analysis is that it allows him to ask questions previous thinkers had not really been able to; instead of asking â€Å"what makes a good ruler?† he was able to ask â€Å"what makes a successful ruler?† or, put another way â€Å"what allows a ruler to achieve and to hold onto power?† This kind of thinking pervades Machiavelli’s texts – he writes that he intends his book to be a â€Å"practical text† (chapter XV), which, rather than following a line of moral absolutes, attempts to write something of â€Å"practical use to the inquirer† based on what actually happened to rulers who acted in one way or another (chapter XV). He insists that every action will lead to either â€Å"self-preservation† or â€Å"self-destruction† and that the primary goal of any ruler most be for all of his actions to be consistent with the former rather than the latter. Machiavelli, by eschewing moral questions, is able to focus on a completely different aspect of rulership than previous thinkers were able to. Focusing solely on how to achieve and hold on to power sounds a bit – well, Machiavellian for lack of a better term, selfish and disinterested with other’s wellbeing. Machiavelli’s focus on the maintenance of power is not, however, solely beneficial to the prince that takes his advice, but can also be of great benefit to the entire population. A ruler who behaves in a â€Å"self-destructive† way will surely be weak to attacks, and eventually others will try to attack his position and gain his princedom for their own. Such weak rulers who constantly have to spend time and energy defending their position always have less resources to put towards the public good, and the population suffers. Furthermore, weak rulers often invite anarchy, which can be much more damaging to a society than a slightly tyrannical leader. So, depending on the situation, Machiavelli’s admittedly cold advice could benefit not only the prince but also his population. Being able to ask and answer very different types of questions than previous thinkers had been able to was only one of the many benefit of Machiavelli’s amoral political analysis. Another major one was the ability to differentiate between qualities that are admirable in an individual versus qualities that are admirable or desirable in a leader. One of the prime examples Machiavelli uses to demonstrate the differences is the quality of generosity versus miserliness. Though generosity is obviously an excellent and admirable quality to have as an individual, Machiavelli